Based on the story and characters from the Oscar®-winning DreamWorks Animation film, this hilarious and spectacular production turns the world of fairytales upside down in an all-singing, all-dancing, must-see musical comedy.
The original play premiered in 2010 at the Théâtre Édouard VII in Paris, France, where the production received six Molière Award nominations and ran for over 300 performances.
‘It’s the real deal. Everyone really should be talking, singing, shouting about Jamie now’ The Times
& Juliet tickets are the perfect way to experience something new and familiar all at the same time. We all know the story of Romeo and Juliet, star crossed lovers from warring families who are undeniably drawn to each other.
& Juliet reimagines the ending to Romeo and Juliet and asks, what if this was just the beginning for Juliet. & Juliet is a play within a play so it starts with Shakespeare telling his fellow actors the ending to his new play Romeo and Juliet
Box of Tricks are delighted to announce full casting for the premiere of Daniel Kanaber’s (Shiver, Watford Palace Theatre) new play Under Three Moons which will start its Autumn tour at The Lowry, Salford in late September.
Larger than life character Brian Blessed is coming to the York Grand Opera house, to talk about his 50yr career spanning life.
A Broadway and West End hit musical that’s a ravishing love story with a bittersweet difference, Once casts a spell over the audience just as its two lead characters cast a spell over each other.
“It’s hard to make something that’s interesting. It’s really, really hard. It’s like a law of nature, a law of aerodynamics, that anything that’s written or anything that’s created wants to be mediocre. “