REGI FLIH the mysterious enigma of Alternative R&B is set to release his new single this August. Building on the success of his previous hits, including the 300k+ streamed “Needed Space” and two singles surpassing 1.1 million streams each on Spotify, REGI is back with a fresh and evolved sound that marks a significant step forward in his musical journey.

His latest single, “Blue Rain,” inspired by his creative experiences in Tokyo, showcases his ability to weave diverse influences into his music. The track features a collaboration with Canadian R&B artist Emerson, adding depth and artistry to the release. This single is the first glimpse into REGI’s upcoming EP, recorded across Australia and Japan.

On the project’s inspiration: “I wrote this track about the pain of staying in a relationship that you know won’t last. I hope to evoke a sense of shared understanding and validation with my listeners, making them feel less alone in their own experiences.”

Blue Rain conveys the agony of staying in a relationship that you know won’t last. Despite recognizing its inevitable end, you can’t walk away because your love for them is too strong. The track attempts to portray about how the other person in the relationship is staying around but it’s more for convenience rather than love.

For the past few years, REGI FLIH has captivated audiences with his version of Alternative R&B, a harmonious blend of meticulously crafted production and soulful melodies, with an undercurrent of passion and pain. Though his social media activity may be minimal, the impact of his music is immense, transcending the confinements of your conventional R&B artist.

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