The original chapter of Haircut One Hundred beamed briefly yet brightly. They achieved the kind of success that they could have only dreamed of: four UK Top 10 hits, all of which were definitive ‘80s classics – ‘Love Plus One’, ‘Fantastic Day’, ‘Favourite Shirts (Boys Meets Girl)’ and ‘Nobody’s Fool’ – followed by a debut album, ‘Pelican West’, which peaked at #2 during an eleven week run in the Top 10, in the process reaching Platinum status.

That was 42 years ago. But now after a lengthy absence, Haircut One Hundred are back: fuelled by the power of friendship, a love of adventure, and the simple joy of seeing wherever their unexpected next chapter will take them. Their return now gathers pace with today’s release of their first new music in 40 years with the new single ‘The Unloving Plum’. Listen HERE.

‘The Unloving Plum’ sparkles with the exuberant joy of a band loving what they do. The joyous, brass-assisted, instantly unforgettable pop that they’re best known for is still their most compelling trait, but it’s a natural evolution that takes in touches of jangly, Beatles-esque pop and an anthemic Britpop-flavoured power. While vocalist/guitarist Nick Heyward explains what it means to him, it also speaks to the universal experience of something great in life emerging from what you initially thought was the worst possible outcome.

Nick says, “It’s about that first bad relationship that you have, which makes you think the first bite of the unloving plum is poisonous. Being dismissed by someone for the first time feels awful, but it turns out to be the best thing that could’ve happened. The unloving plum takes you to the depths, but that’s a step you often need to go through to find the loveliest thing you’ve ever experienced.”

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