British singer-songwriter Emily Burns announces her eagerly anticipated debut album ‘Die Happy’, due for release on 8th November, pre-order here. The announcement also comes alongside the single release of the title track ‘Die Happy’, stream here.

‘Die Happy’, the album, is a collection of personal and candid songs that showcase Emily’s clear-cut and beautiful voice. From the soaring first single ‘Balcony Floor’, to the lo-fi electro-pop of ‘Cheating On Her’, it’s a project well worth the wait. Emily explains, “It feels hopeful, there’s definite sadness in it, but overall it feels like love, happiness, growth and acceptance.”.

The newly released lead single, ‘Die Happy’, in Emily’s words, is both “the happiest yet saddest song I have written”. The track abandons dreams of materialistic successes and achievements to realise through Emily’s delicately written lyrics that love and experiences are really what’s important in life. Emily’s love for her girlfriend Grace prevails as she sings “If you’re the only thing that I achieve, I’d die happy”

Speaking on the single, Emily says: “Die Happy came when I was feeling lost, confused and like I hadn’t achieved enough. It took a lot for me to continue writing music but, when I wrote this song I felt overwhelming pride. I realised that measuring success isn’t solely based on the things you have or fulfilling the life you dreamt up as a child. It’s more about finding true happiness. I looked to my partner and realised I’m more successful than I could ever have imagined and could “Die Happy” just knowing I’m loved in the way I am”

Along with the track comes a beautiful new music video. Emily Burns explains “I was lucky enough to work with Celia Jean on this video who has really brought that idea to life. She’s created a piece of work that takes you through a total rollercoaster of emotions and perfectly mirrors the sentiment of the song. I actually cried when I watched it for the first time. Beanie, who plays the younger me in the video, is an incredible actress. The way she portrays that acceptance and joy is beautiful. I’m so proud of the team that came together to make this and I hope you love it as much as I do”

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