Moby Live at the O2 in London, Live Review by Ryan Beardsley

Remember Moby? He released that record everyone loved, had a feud with Eminem and then kinda disappeared, right?

Well he’s back because it’s 25 years since Play, one of those records where you know every song without actually knowing it and it’s his first show in the UK for over 10 years and the o2 is packed out, I’m excited.

On supporting duties is Lady Blackbird, an extravagant presence with a voice to match, reminiscent of a young Tina Turner, her soulful booming tones fill up this massive arena in what is an unforgettable cameo, but her best moment in this show is yet to come…

Out comes the diminutive Richard Melville Hall, definitely a good idea on the name change I’d say, he has ‘ANIMAL RIGHTS’ plastered down his arm and ‘VEGAN FOREVER’ emblazoned on his neck, you get the picture.

But then here come the hits, Bodyrock is still a great jam, Moby actually kinda kills it on the electric guitar and the whole venue is bouncing. In My Heart reminds us there were other great tracks outside of Play, anything that sounds like it could have been on Mezzanine is a sure sign of quality.

Find My Baby showcases the raft of talent on stage tonight, Moby openly states he’s the least talented person on stage, the singers, the violinists and everyone else included create a real wall of sound that’s a privilege to witness.

He can tell a story too bless him, likening himself to Grandpa Simpson more than once but it’s nice to hear, before Porcelain, made famous by The Beach of course, he observes that the track almost never made the album, unthinkable now.

One of the fun things about Moby’s music is trying to remember the film, show or advert they appeared on, Play became famous for having every single track licensed to appear on something but there are some other tracks that will have unknowingly invaded your subconscious.

None more so than set highlight When It’s Cold I’d Like To Die, an aching ballad that has hairs standing to attention on all the assembled necks, even more poignant because it was featured in one of the best episodes of the greatest tv show ever made, oh Tony, the life you could have had.

Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad sees the triumphant return of Lady Blackbird and her epic vocals take this one to a whole new level before we get an encore that peaks with Natural Blues, the breakout hit that put Moby on the map with it’s blues sampling sounding like nothing we had heard in decades back in 99 and still sounds suitably alien here tonight.

Moby mentions that the profits from his shows all go to animal rights charities which should of course be commended, and he’s apparently happier playing in his back garden than to arenas but unless you’re his next door neighbour, you’re going to be missing out. Time for a bigger tour and a few festival slots me thinks, then everyone, man and animal alike get the benefits.

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