Avi Kaplan Live at the Union Chapel. Review and photos by Kevin O’Sullivan.

Avriel Benjamin Kaplan (aka Avi Kaplan) is an American singer-songwriter known for being the former vocal bass of the a cappella group Pentatonix from 2011 to 2017. As a part of the group, he released five studio albums, won three Grammy Awards, and sold over six million albums. So, given that he is something of a big deal and his show at the magnificent Union Chapel in London is his only UK show on this European run, it comes as no surprise to find the place packed to the rafters with fans wanting a ticket.

Avi Kaplan, photo © Kevin O'Sullivan
Avi Kaplan, photo © Kevin O’Sullivan

Luckily, I had the pleasure of finally experiencing Avi Kaplan live in the UK and he didn’t disappoint, in fact he was absolutely awesome! For those unfamiliar with Avi, he is best known for having the lowest bass singing voice in the capella group Pentatonix and now pursues a solo career which brought him to the Union Chapel show in London before he travels across Europe with his band.

The first thing of note about the performance was how it had one of the most respectful audiences I have witnessed, other than the last few songs where we were told to stand and move to the music, you could have heard a pin drop. Such is the magnetism of his voice and power of his songwriting everyone knew they were in the presence of someone majestic and at the top of their game, Union Chapel just seemed such a perfect fit as a venue.

On stage at various points he was joined by Michael Alvarado (shades of James Vincent McMorrow) who on any other night could have headlined, great stage presence and variety of music as opener for Avi plus a lucky competition winner who had the pleasure of joining Avi for a duet. All in all, an hour and a half set that flew by enjoyed by a crowd who knew they were experiencing something superlative and special.

To find out more about Avi and his music, head over to his official website here

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