You heard of that Somebody’s Child? Maybe not but it’s surely just a matter of time.

The Dublin band have released their new LP, When Youth Fades Away and it’s a pleasing mix of indie, electronic synths and good old fashioned pop music that stands out in what is currently a tired and monotonous scene.

Album opener The Kid is a suitably epic starter; big sounds and a massive chorus set the tone for a record that clearly has a lot of ambition, when you’re aping superstars like The Killers it’s clear there’s no lack of self belief.

The whole record is awash with mature themes lyrically, dealing with the ramifications of aging, not least the mental health consequences that come with it for the younger generation. None more so on the title track, a gorgeous ode to the innocence of being young and all the challenges that come with growing up.

Front man Cian Godfrey has a voice that seems very familiar, it’s still compelling but it’s easy to find yourself lost in a vocal that is so typically of the indie pop landscape, hopefully he can find a more unique delivery to set his band apart.

Wall Street is typical of the album, another big chorus that wouldn’t be out of place on a big festival stage this summer, while My Mind Is On Fire once again showcases the introspection and sophisticated nature of the band.

The Waterside slows things down for the album highlight, an acoustic ballad that mixes up the style on the album effectively. Time Of My Life ends things on a suitably ambitious tone, echoing LCD Soundsystem’s mythical All My Friends to wrap things up on a high note.

All in all a charming effort, it will be interesting to see how it translates live in the inevitable festival slots this summer.

‘When Youth Fades Away’ is out March the 28th. Pre-order here.

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