Delilah Bon ‘Evil, Hate Filled Female’ Album Review

The alias of Lauren Tate, known to fans as the vocalist for Yorkshire band Hands Off Gretel, independent artist Delilah Bon describes herself as “The Rage Queen”. The voice for marginalized communities, the writings of Delilah Bon explore themes of empowerment and self-expression amongst these communities. They’re delivered to a soundtrack of hip-hop, grime, metal and punk with an explosive live show that has drawn fans from far and wide.

Now, while there are many artists delivering similar messages across the alternative scene these days, listening to Delilah Bon’s new album, ‘Evil, Hate Filled Female’, and having experienced the infamous live show, there are very few of them who deliver their message with the raw, unapologetic honesty with which Delilah does. However, you would expect nothing less from an album entitled ‘Evil, Hate Filled Female’.

Unleashing the full fury of the thoughts within her mind, Delilah Bon delivers a social commentary that is not pretty, but it is gut-wrenchingly honest. Of course, it’s a very “now” album as songs like “The Internet” and recent single Volatile both demonstrate, but these issues Bon explores and writes about through her music are the same issues her fanbase are going through on a daily basis. It makes for a very passionate listen and, in the case of tracks like “Villian” at times a very cathartic one.

Not shying away from tackling grittier issues, the unfiltered honesty seeping through her lyrics gives hope and power to her fans and, while Delilah Bon might be an alter-ego or by some as almost a character-based artist, there is nothing light-hearted about the topics she relates to through her music.

People say the devil comes in many forms but, listening to ‘Evil, Hate Filled Female’, it would be fair to say that to her fans, there are none are as empowering as Delilah Bon.

To pick up your copy of ‘Evil, Hate Filled Female’, or find out more about Delilah Bon, head over to her Official Website here.

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